After a long journey, she came to a halt. It was time to contemplate and to feel. Deep breaths of concentration led to the conclusion that it may not be upon her as to which path to take. She surrendered to that idea. A sudden rush toured her spine. Her entire vision pixelated, downgraded to a lower resolution. Dragged towards the scent of its flawless skin she kept walking the endless path, certain that this was where the answer could be found. The soil was nourished by the millions of deceased who had walked the path before her. She understood that this was the natural progression: the sound of a river, the rings of a bird, the feathers of Saturn.
—— excerpt from 'An Algorithmic Odyssey' by X1N
Concept and performance by Rebecca Lenaerts
Video filming and editing by Sophie Vanhomwegen
Sound by Atom™, experts from 'Texturen'