“We know how little time it has, this body. How crippled it will grow. That's why I dance. When I dance I help myself to remember.“
Birdwoman, Performing The Club@Azimut Club Turin (Picture by Federico Masini)
— from 'The big world' by Arthur Japin
Folds&Wrinkles - performance (NL)

BIRDS, a ceremony - kunstZ (ENG)

Still a bird - performance (ENG)

Moving with the invisible - Butoh Lab (ENG)

Birth - video work (ENG)

Congé Krokus - BRONKS theater (NL)

PUSH+ HOME - Born-to-store (ENG)

LEGS - Installation (ENG)

Godiva, the joy of playing together (ENG)

Trekvogels: a collaborative story - croxhapox Gent (NL)

Trekvogels / oiseaux voyageurs - Musée de la Photographie à Charleroi (NL)